Why Should You Choose Hegen Over Other Feeding Bottle Brands?

A newborn baby is the biggest blessing in the life of a mother and remains so even when the child becomes fully grown. At the time of birth, it is nothing but the pure breast milk which a baby requires. After a few months, the baby grows and can have the milk directly from a feeding bottle. A baby feeding bottle gives the child a similar feel of breastfeeding which he/she gets through the mother.


The only requirement here is that the feeding bottle should be of high quality because a low-quality feeding bottle will drive the baby away from feeding as such a bottle will not provide the much-required feel of a mother’s breast. This is the reason mothers prefer feeding bottles from hegen and if you want to know what’s so special about them, let us brief you about the same!

Top 5 Reasons to Choose Hegen Over Other Feeding Bottle Brands

  1. Great Build-in Bottle Technology

It comprises of a very soft elliptical shaped silicone teat that minimizes breast confusion by offering the same feel as of a mother. Apart from this, its asymmetrical teat offers natural upright feeding just like natural breasts. Its built-in anti-colic air vent system prevents aeration, thus sustaining all the natural milk nutrients. Moreover, it has a very simple opening and closing design which makes the cleaning part very easy.

  1. Trusted Brand

There is no doubt about this. Hegen is one of the most trusted and recognized bottle feeding brands and is greatly admired by mothers due to the high-quality product it offers. With so many brands available for bottle feeding in the market, it gets difficult for the mothers to choose the best but all these confusions clear out when they see the brand called hegen!

  1. Reasonable Price

This is the best part about this brand. It offers a quality product at a very reasonable price. We often hear that the finest quality products are too expensive for a layman but this is not the case with Hegen. It provides durable and qualitative products at very pocket-friendly prices and this is the reason people highly prefer its feeding bottles.

  1. No Complaints

The problem with most of the brands is that it fails to satisfy each and every customer. This is not a problem actually but more of a brand preference. The problem actually is when people trust a brand and buy its products but the product does not yield the desired results. This is when people start writing and speaking negative stuff about the brand, which has never been the case with Hegen.

  1. Hassle Free Cleaning

The baby feeding bottle from hegen is very user-friendly and makes it very easy to wash. The smooth interior surface, minimal parts, and a wide bottle opening makes the cleaning process a very hassle free task. So, what are you waiting for? Get baby feeding bottle from Hegen today itself!

Vital Parenting and Baby Care Tips

Becoming a parent is one of the happiest moments in one’s life but parenthood brings some tedious challenges to deal with. Your life doesn’t remain the same as soon as parenting begins and suddenly there are a million responsibilities to be taken care of. So, to help you fight this tough challenge, we have collected a list of baby care tips that will save your energy and time while you are at it. We hope that these tips would make the demanding task somewhat easy. These tips would also ensure that your child’s upbringing is done the right way.

Our recommendations include tips on feeding supplies, health supplies and many other things from trusted brands worldwide such as Hegen Singapore etc. Read on to know more!

Prevent Pee-Sleeping

If you have a baby who sleeps sound

Baby Care Tips

and long, there are chances that you will find a wet bed in the morning more often than not. For such babies, it is advisable that you definitely use night time diapers or a maxi pad. This provides the baby with a comfortable sleep.

Later on, as the baby grows up, you should teach him to not extend sleep time so that this pee-sleeping problem can be curbed automatically. We also suggest this for health concerns as long sleeping babies tend to get lazy after some time.

Eat the Rainbow

Hegen Singapore Dieticians express the need of fruits and vegetables in the meal course for the young ones. The formula and baby food alone don’t make up for the vitamin needs. Therefore, serve every color from the rainbow to your kid; namely, red for apples, green for pears etc.

Now these fruits and veggies don’t have to be fed directly to the baby. You can use your mix and match skills to incorporate veggies with baby food or make a fruit salad with finely cut apples and mix them with yogurt. Such innovations would make sure your baby receives adequate vitamins up front.Baby Care Tips

Don’t AVOID Vaccines

This has been an ever-growing trend with parents these days – they fall for myths that encourage them to avoid proper vaccination for the kids, which in every sense is a bad decision. Some parents have this notion that vaccines will disrupt the immune system of the baby and he won’t be able to handle the vaccination cycle. While others have a doubt that vaccines come with a package of toxins that could harm the baby more than the good they would serve.

Hegen Singapore specialists remark that these myths have no logical base to them. Every parent should get their child vaccinated at the required intervals. Babies today are in an even greater threat to harmful diseases due to the change in environmental factors since 1980’s. Today, vaccines safeguard babies from at least 14 kind of diseases.